


Small changes, the passage of the wind, an animal or a man on surfaces in continuous transformation, as disordered as the variations that occurred from their initial lost state.
Experiences of a reality that surrounds us: instants of quiet that are sometimes petrified, changing states that are eroded over time or agitated like liquids saturating the volumes that try to contain them in vain.




Small changes, the passage of the wind, an animal or a man on surfaces in continuous transformation, as disordered as the variations that occurred from their initial lost state.
Experiences of a reality that surrounds us: instants of quiet that are sometimes petrified, changing states that are eroded over time or agitated like liquids saturating the volumes that try to contain them in vain.

The collection

light marble

soft marble

old marble

heavy marble

wavy marble

stratified marble


hefty marble

The collection

light marble

soft marble

old marble

wavy marble


heavy marble

stratified marble

hefty marble

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