Cinemateca 2024: Where Cinema and Design meet at Villa Erba

Cinemateca 2024: Where Cinema and Design meet at Villa Erba

Villa Erba, the historic residence that has hosted for years the great director Luchino Visconti, is once again the protagonist of an extraordinary cultural event. From November 29th to December 1st of 2024 the first edition of Cinemateca took place, a review...
Archimake hosts another #LCSTour stop in Bari, Italy

Archimake hosts another #LCSTour stop in Bari, Italy

LCSTour continues: on Friday, November 15, at the Bari headquarters of Archimake, Luxury Carpet Studio, in collaboration with WeDoLab, spoke to a very interested audience of architects about the role of textile flooring in design. Professionals were then invited to...